Social Entrepreneur Corps

Social Entrepreneur Corps

About Social Entrepreneur Corps

Social Entrepreneur Corps leads innovative and dynamic impact immersion programs in Latin America. As the sister organization to the award-winning Community Enterprise Solutions, we work alongside local partners with participants supporting the creation, growth and impact of social innovations focused on intelligently alleviating poverty. Together we create sustainable impact in the field while gaining the skills and knowledge to become the social entrepreneurs of the future.

We’re hiring! Apply to lead Social Entrepreneur Corps programs this summer

Social Entrepreneur Corps (SE Corps) provides service-learning internships to students from around the world, in which they serve as community consultants for our sister organzations Community Empowerment Solutions (CE Solutions) and Soluciones Comunitarias (SolCom).

Social Entrepreneur Corps works alongside Soluciones Comunitarias, facilitating projects that further develop empowerment in the communities as well as partnerships with other […]

By |January 28th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on We’re hiring! Apply to lead Social Entrepreneur Corps programs this summer

Teach a Man to Fish

The ancient Chinese proverb says that if you give a man a fish, he eats for a day, but if you teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime.Well, the Chinese had the Social Entrepreneur Corps model down before way before we did. Let us explain…

Those words about fish were made a reality […]

By |January 24th, 2014|Guatemala|Comments Off on Teach a Man to Fish