
Dan Malin

About Dan Malin

After graduating from the George Washington University's Elliott School of International Affairs in 2009, Dan went on to work for nonprofit organizations in New York City and in Ecuador. He was leading service-learning trips in the Galapagos Islands when he learned that his Peace Corps application had finally gone through and they were sending him to the Dominican Republic. Dan spent two years serving as a Community Economic Development volunteer in a rural community east of Santo Domingo, where he taught business classes, managed an ecotourism project and helped a women's group to open their community restaurant. Fresh out of Peace Corps, Dan joined the Community Enterprise Solutions and Social Entrepreneur Corps team in November of 2012.

Collaborative: When We Are at Our Best

It was about five o’clock in the evening when our van took a curve a little too close to the edge of the dirt road and managed to wedge itself in a muddied ditch. I was a Field Leader at the time, working with a group of students in the Dominican Republic, and we were […]

By |February 1st, 2016|Project Empowerment|Comments Off on Collaborative: When We Are at Our Best

Winter Break in the Dominican Republic

As our one week Social Entrepreneur Corps Winter Break Impact program in the Dominican Republic drew to a close at the end of last week, I found myself walking around Santo Domingo’s historic Colonial Zone with my colleague, Lia, and two of our Social Entrepreneur Corps interns, Helen and Silvia. Although the program had officially ended […]

By |January 21st, 2014|Dominican Republic|Comments Off on Winter Break in the Dominican Republic

Supporting Ecotourism with Kayak Limon

On Saturday, October 26th, the community of Los Guineos de Miches officially inaugurated a new office for their homegrownecotourism project, “Kayak Limon”. Located about four hours east of the capital, Santo Domingo, in the Dominican Republic, Kayak Limon offers guided excursions by kayak that take visitors across a freshwater lake, through a mangrove forrest and […]

By |November 7th, 2013|Dominican Republic|Comments Off on Supporting Ecotourism with Kayak Limon